

Outside-in Job

You've got to be knowledgeable of past and current fashion as well as be fashion forward to begin to develop your own style. Once you've done that, your confidence will skyrocket! See, a lot of people believe that self-confidence comes from the work you do on your inward self. I don't disagree, but I don't totally agree either. For some people working your way from the outside in is the most effective way of building your self-confidence. It's an outside-in job.

The reason is that when people see that you LOOK different, they will treat you different, usually better. We are such a vain society and we will never get around that as long as we're born with eyes. The truth is people judge you based on how you look and they treat you according to the judgments they've drawn, whether accurate or inaccurate. That's just the truth!

So why not "dress to impress?" Who's it gonna hurt if you put a little more effort into how you look? Certainly not you... unless you're a shopaholic and breaking the bank. That's a whole other story then lol. Besides, I know from experience you don't have to spend a whole lot of money to look fabulous.

I have always loved fashion, ALWAYS. But I've also struggled believing that because I'm plus-sized or full-figured, whatever you want to call it, I couldn't be fashionable. Boy was I wrong! I can remember the day I went from tom-boy to girly-girl and bought my first pair of earrings. I swear I wore them with everything! They were these bronze-colored chandelier earrings and the pieces were shaped like teardrops. Needless to say, my ears weren't even pierced yet! I haven't looked back since and my style, along with my confidence, have grown tremendously.

The days that I cried about not being a size double 0 are long gone! I embrace not only who I am, but what I look like and I have to say, I'm freakin awesome! This Geek Chic Chica is on to more bright and colorful-filled, confidently sexy and passionately fashionable days. Care to join me?


  1. True beauty comes from within. Man looks at the outward, God looks at the inward. Only what God thinks matters! In terms of "feeling" pretty, dressing up can certainly help with that! ;-)

  2. True, true beauty does come from within and man does look on the outward and God at the inward, but what man looks at and comments on, even what we see around us does affect us inwardly. Changing what people see on the outside directly affects how you feel about yourself, and feeling good about yourself and how you look makes it easier for that inward beauty to shine through. Sometimes changing the outside is the beginning of changing the inside... I love this!
